Class of 2023
Bill Craig, Livonia Spree Anniversary Committee, Jean Newell, James McCann, Patrick O’Neill

Class of 2022
Gary Deschenes, Patch Hutchison, Doug Kurtis, Steve Spreitzer, Dan Spurling, Trinity House

Class of 2021
John and Linda Del Signore, Kevin Murphy, Ron Reinke, Alexander Wells, Reverend Kellie Whitlock
Class of 2020
Cancelled due to Covid-19.

Class of 2019
Chuck Dardas, Robert Hardies, Denise King, Dominic Paris, Seedlings Braille Books for Children, Paul Soucy

Class of 2018
Virginia Bosak, Matt Collins, Gordon W. Draper, Harriet deGarmo Fuller, Livonia Kiwanis Club, Liam Neary, Janice Newsome

Class of 2017
Art Cole, Dr. Peggy Gaskill, Josie Smith, Strelsa Schreiber, Livonia Jaycees, Livonia Symphony Orchestra

Class of 2016
Timothy Kenny, Richard Gaskill, Dennis Wright, Dave Spivey, Livonia Junior Athletic League, Creative & Performing Arts

Class of 2015
Carol Strom, Livonia YMCA, Friends of Greenmead, Joe Neussendorfer, Laura Toy, Alan Helmkamp, Carl Riegal, Dr. Janet Haas

Class of 2014
Dr. Conway Jeffress, Sister Rose Marie Kujawa, Dr. Jerry Smith, Harry Tatigian, Livonia Civic Chorus, Steve King, Livonia Heart Fund

Class of 2013
Mary Dumas, Friends of the Wilson Barn, Janet Welch, Bill Bresler, Joan McCotter, Robert Nash, AlphaUSA

Class of 2012
Bill Brown Ford, Felician Sisters, Livonia Rotary Club, Marge Roach, Robert Bishop, Alice Gunderson, Francesco Di Blasi, Livonia Youth Symphony
Class of 2011
Charlie Mahoney, Laura Callow, Harvey Moelke, Midge Ellis, Livonia Town Hall, St. Mary Mercy Hospital, Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment (OHM)

Class of 2010
Richard McDowell, James McCann, Keith Geiger, Ed Katz, Bill Heaton, Lee Morrow, Jack Engebretson, Joe Taylor, Edgar Oren Durfee
Class of 2009
James Mies, Lyn Bankes, Bob Dietiker, Rosina Raymond, Stan Anderson, Sue Rosiek, Friends of the Library, Alfred Noble, Sheldon Land Company
Class of 2008
Dan Andrew, Bill LaPine, Harry Greenleaf, Paul Kadish, Sheila Taormina, Joe and Jane Soltesz, William Brashear, Paul Chandler, John Vroman, Conrad Gniewek
Class of 2007
Lee Landes, Fernon Feenstra, Sam Prisk, Louis Schmidt, Sister Mary Giovanni, Rudy Kleinert, Bill Warren, Roland Upton, Sister Mary Francilene
Class of 2006
Dr. Don Friedrichs, Jack Kirksey, Patrick Duggan, Joan Duggan, Mike Duggan, Debra Bonde, Alexander Blue, Ken Bourgon, Electra Stamelos, Sue Daniel, Bill Fried, Peter Ventura
Class of 2005
Ira Wilson, Alexander McKinney, George Nelson Benley, Mable Ault, Jesse Ziegler, Ben Yates, Dr. Maxwell Stewart, Richard Joyner, Geraldine Joyner, John Dufour, Edward H. McNamara, Phil Power, Bob and Janet Bennett